Mirror of Justice, Mother of God, Mystical Rose:
 Our Lady of Sorrows
Gordon MacRae Fr. Gordon J. MacRae Gordon MacRae Fr. Gordon J. MacRae

Mirror of Justice, Mother of God, Mystical Rose:
 Our Lady of Sorrows

. . . I have never written of any of this before now. Those months 
awaiting trial became so stressful and depressing that I began 
to give up. I stopped accepting treatment for epilepsy, and
 ended up hospitalized at Albuquerque Presbyterian Hospital for
 a week. After a traumatic night, my good friend and co-worker 
Father Clyde Landry, came to see me. He brought from my room
 at the center a portable short wave radio to listen to.
 Later that night, I plugged in my earpiece and turned on the 
radio. It was close to midnight, and I was not even aware it 
was the Feast of the Visitation, May 31. I also didn't know my
 radio was on the short-wave band. Father Clyde must have moved 
the band by accident. I raised the antennae and played with 
the tuner, then stopped. I had stumbled upon EWTN's short
wave broadcast from Birmingham, Alabama. As I lay there in the dark in that hospital room, I heard the 
Salve Regina intoned and chanted in my ear. . . .

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